What is this? A new method of change, some facts and a warning.
Why should I read it? To teach you about future trends and make you laugh.
Greetings and thanks for your visit.
BRAIN SYMPHONY is a unique self-development program for the smart and curious, using the brain-based science of CREATIVITY to teach you the skills you absolutely need now and will desperately need in the future to survive.
[WARNING: metaphor ahead.]
Most everyone knows that a symphony orchestra is a group of musicians in different sections (strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion) led by a conductor whose output is synchronized to produce HARMONY: music that is pleasing to the ear.
BRAIN SYMPHONY defines HARMONY as "inner calm" and "well-being." How do we achieve this state? BRAIN SYMPHONY offers you an eclectic mixture of brain science, practical tools and tips and humor to elevate your self-awareness and give you solutions and results.
How would you describe your well-being today? Are you stressed by your daily activities? Does the pacing of life seem to get faster and faster? Are you overwhelmed by technology?
If you feel as though things have changed, you are right. Things have changed. Life is different now. To quote German cabaret performer Karl Valentin: “Die Zukunft war früher alles besser!“ („The future used to be better!).
Navigating through life in the 21st century is different than in years past. External demands are many, distractions are plenty and technological advances are rising at an exponential rate. There is a constant battle for your attention.
We are digitally connected more than ever before, but at what cost?
Is modern society doomed to be overwhelmed by outside forces that control our behavior? In Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman asserts that instead of suffering through George Orwell's 1984-style mass control from the "Big Brother" scenario, we more likely resemble Aldous Huxley's vision from Brave New World where people "come to love their oppression" and "adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think."
Wait, where’s my smart phone?
And what effect do these EXTERNAL forces of influence have on us? They are systematically robbing us of our INTERNALLY generated experiences: self-reflection, critical thinking, inner calm, mindfulness, gratitude, silence. These activities are necessary to stimulate the brain and cultivate a sense of wholeness.
Example: when you read a book of fiction, your mind actively creates the characters in your mind, which “exercises” the brain by creating new pathways of cells called neurons. When you recall these characters, the pathways are reinforced.
When you watch a video, the images and soundtrack are provided for you. You may find this entertaining or distracting, but you are forfeiting control of your imagination - your natural creativity.
As an adult, you have a choice about where you want to put your attention. Do you always need to listen to music while you walk down the street? You can turn off the television.
Unfortunately the brain of a child hasn’t developed the ability to defend against the addictive attraction to video stimulation. Kiddie heroin. Not good. Many implications for parenting and public education. More on these topics in a subsequent blog post.
Conclusion: the critical learning necessary to survive and move into the future has changed radically. 21st-century life requires new and different skills.
What is the goal of BRAIN SYMPHONY? It is helping you to be your best self, embracing your originality and acknowledging your uniqueness in the world. There is no person, no brain, no collection of experiences that is exactly like yours. Your voyage through life is to discover and uncover who you are at your very core. That is the positive and optimistic view. At the same time, there is a sense of urgency in having access to the tools and creativity skills that we need to protect against forces that threaten our ability to create a future that is fulfilling and full of promise.
It is critically important for the culture that we cultivate our creative impulses and maximize our full potential. When you are ready to advance to the next level, I invite you to subscribe to BRAIN SYMPHONY.